How to Deal with Reactions in Horus Heresy

Описание к видео How to Deal with Reactions in Horus Heresy

In this video, I tell you about various tactics that you can use to beat or mitigate enemy reactions in your games of Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness.

I give you common easy ways to minimise your enemy's reactions, and plenty of advanced tips on making sure that your warriors can annihilate their target of choice, unfettered by your opponent's attempts to stop you!

Intro 00:00
In this video... 00:13
Why Learn about Reactions? 00:38
Reaction Basics 01:30
Advance 04:29
Withdraw 06:52
Return Fire 09:30
Evade 15:54
Overwatch 18:10
Brace 20:16
Interceptor 22:44


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