【K】Netherlands Travel-Amsterdam[네덜란드 여행-암스테르담]청어 절임 요리, 하링/Herring Haring/Fish

Описание к видео 【K】Netherlands Travel-Amsterdam[네덜란드 여행-암스테르담]청어 절임 요리, 하링/Herring Haring/Fish

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[한국어 정보]
패스트푸드 가게들이 별로 없는 암스테르담 시내에는 신선한 재료의 요깃거리가 많다. “청어 한 마리에 양파를 얹어 주세요.” 초절임 청어 ‘하링’은 네덜란드 사람들이 가장 좋아하는 생선요리다. 전채요리부터 샌드위치까지 그 쓰임새가 다양하다. 하링은 머리를 떼어내고 내장을 뺀 후에. 통째로 먹는 게 제 맛이다. “정말 맛있어요.” 전혀 비리지 않고 담백했던 하링. 맥주 안주로 그만일 것 같았다.

[English: Google Translator]
Amsterdam, the city has many fast food shops are not much of a distance yogit fresh ingredients. "Please put the onion on herring one." Pickled herring "haring" Dutch people are the most favorite fish dishes. From appetizers to sandwiches that use cases are diverse. Haring after subtracting the internal detach the head. The first flavor to eat whole. "Really good." Haring was bland at all without biriji. Beer seemed to be enough to settle.

[Dutch: Google Translator]
Amsterdam, de stad heeft veel fast food winkels zijn niet veel van een afstand yogit verse ingrediënten. "Noteer de ui op haring één." Zure haring "haring" Nederlandse mensen zijn de meest favoriete visgerechten. Van voorgerechten tot broodjes die gevallen gebruik zijn divers. Haring na aftrek van de interne detach het hoofd. De eerste smaak gehele eten. "Erg goed." Haring was saai helemaal zonder biriji. Beer leek genoeg om zich te vestigen te zijn.

■클립명: 유럽077-네덜란드02-03 청어 절임 요리, 하링/Herring Haring/Fish
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이용준 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2012년 4월 April

,유럽,Europe,유럽,네덜란드,Netherlands,Nederland,,이용준,2012,4월 April,암스테르담,Amsterdam,Amsterdam,


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