Jus and Loz's Anniversary Tour to Mr P's Bognor Regis (Part 6) With JH and Rambo

Описание к видео Jus and Loz's Anniversary Tour to Mr P's Bognor Regis (Part 6) With JH and Rambo

If you love our work and fancy making our trips just that little bit more enjoayble, then now you can! BUY ME A COFFEE or JUS A KEBAB https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jhardy1978t and if you don't want to keep two fat men fat then you can always like, subscribe or throw a comment on the videos.

Fun on the Run gets a decent bit of gameplay firstly from Rambo and then the Great White Shark (JW) sneaks in for a shark, as I said to Rambo Winter would shark his own mother on a fruit machine!



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