How to run Pharmacy Successfully in Village Area with Lowest Population

Описание к видео How to run Pharmacy Successfully in Village Area with Lowest Population

IN THIS VIDEO i explain how to run pharmacy store in village area in india.
In medical store major cost centers are 1. Stock of medicine 2.Shop 3.Software 4. Sales team 5. Marketing. In rural area with low budget you can start medical store minimizing the cost in all front by adopting below strategy

Stocks-keep optimum stock of medicine based on nearby doctors feedback.Start with generic medicines.Tie up with big medical store in city for providing costly medicines in short notice.
Shop-Start with small but strategic location rented shop nearby PHC/public place.Start with minimum investment in furnishing shop.
Software- purchase single user software and renew it annually.
Sales team-start with yourself.Based on need hire sales team in future.
Marketing- organize small heath camps,free chekup camps,yoga camps etc. it will create goodwill to bring more customers.
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Here are links of classes discussed in video
1)Conquer Batch for BHU/CUCET 2021: Mathematics:

2) Conquer Batch for BHU/CUCET 2021: Biotechnology:

3) Conquer Batch for BHU/CUCET 2021: Physics:

4)Conquer Batch for BHU/CUCET 2021: Chemistry:

Retail Pharmacy is one of successful business model in Pharma industry.This course is completely designed for all Non Pharma students, new entrepreneurs, existing people in pharma business. You can learn all things about retail pharmacy from scratch to advance level
This course divided into following modules with information
Module 1
You learn following things in this module
What is pharmacy retail store?
-Benefits of retail pharmacy store

Module 2
It contains
-factors considering before starting new medical store
-Importance of location

Module 3
It contains
-How to apply for license
Types of medicines

Module 4
It contains
-Importance of doctor
-Importance of chemist
Importance of medical representative
Importance of order boy
Importance of delivery boy
patient counseling

Module 5
It contains
What is profit margin?
How to maintain low expiry
-How to read prescription

Module 6
It contains
First order medicine guideline
How to maintain schedule drug register

Module 7
How to start your own franchise business model
-How to start epharmacy from retail Pharmacy store

Module 8
It contains
-How to arrange medicines in retail store
-Details about franchise business model Health Expert
To get this course please pay 999/- to 9423272876 via googlepay or phone pay then you get all modules through email ID instantly after payment
For more details or queries please mail us at [email protected]


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