風炉 薄茶点前~葉蓋を使って~【裏千家茶道】-Urasenke Chanoyu- Thin Tea Procedure with Brazier - Using Leaf Lid "Habuta" -

Описание к видео 風炉 薄茶点前~葉蓋を使って~【裏千家茶道】-Urasenke Chanoyu- Thin Tea Procedure with Brazier - Using Leaf Lid "Habuta" -






The origins of using a leaf for the tea procedure began from when Gengensai used a leaf of Kaji as a lid of a lacquered water jar, which was originally used with Suehiro basket.
This is used in a thin tea procedure.

I wanted to use a leaf of Kaji for the lid in connection with Tanabata, but it was hard to find one, so today I used a leaf of Kashiwa Hydrangea which I found at home.
Larger leaves such as Lotus, Taro, Paulownia and Butterbur are used as well.

The point of the procedure is the handling of the leaf lid, and the timing of asking closer look of tea utensils is different from usual.

The door is closed when bringing the water jug at the end, but the door should be left open in case of using a brazier.


音楽:音の園  http://oto-no-sono.com


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