Create Windows 10 (UEFI Only) Bootable USB on Mac OS X 10.14

Описание к видео Create Windows 10 (UEFI Only) Bootable USB on Mac OS X 10.14

This video will instruct in Downloading a Windows 10 ISO and making a UEFI Bootable USB on a Mac OS X 10.14 install that will pass Secure Boot. This will allow you to reinstall Windows 10 on your PC when the only other computer you have to hand to make installation media with is a Mac.

This video was requested after I outlined a similar procedure on Ubuntu 20.04.

Full written instructions (with screenshots):

To check your ISO open up a terminal and type in the following commands (amend YOURISOFILENAME with the name of your ISO):
cd Downloads
shasum -a 256 YOURISOFILENAME.iso

The Windows 10 Bootable USB has to be FAT32 formatted however the Windows 10 Version 2004 Direct Download has an install.wim file which exceeds 4 GB and cannot fit on a FAT32 formatted USB Flash Drive.

On Mac OS we need additional tools. We need to first install brew which is essentially a Mac OS version of APT found in Ubuntu or DNF in Fedora.

Install brew (copy code from here):

Then use brew to install wimtools
brew install wimtools

Split the install.wim (copy this to Downloads from the Sources folder of your mounted ISO):
wimlib-imagex split Downloads/install.wim Downloads/install.swm 4000

The GUI doesn't work well for the FAT32 format (and will make a USB which fails to install Windows). A proper FAT32 formatted USB can be created using the command line. Type in:
diskutil list
Check to see what device your USB Flash Drive is, it is likely disk2. Now type in:
diskutil eraseDisk MS-DOS WIN_2004 MBR /dev/disk2
This will make disk2 a blank FAT32 formatted USB Flash Drive.

Copy all the files on your ISO except the install.wim in the sources folder and in its place copy the install.swm files.

#windows #oem #uefi


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