
Описание к видео #Elvis

My mom, Mercia Fiore (Carr) lived a fairy tale dream back in 1956 when the young aspiring singer was asked to go on tour as Elvis Presley's opening act. She tells Carole what it was like to see Elvis standing in the wings watching her sing before a crowd of thousands, that he would take her hand as she exited the stage, taught her how to twist, and that they shared a bond, both being young performers, and both growing up poor. He told her how he got his signature moves and how he felt when women would throw themselves at him. This is the unedited interview and so special to me that I wanted to share it. Mom was a small town, Midwestern girl with a heart of gold, that she kept all the days of her life. She passed away in 2017 and this was taped about three years before then. God rest both of their souls.


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