Kerbal Space Program 2: A Tale of Abandonment

Описание к видео Kerbal Space Program 2: A Tale of Abandonment

The only time someone would use the word complete to describe KSP2 is if it were followed by disaster. Lets discuss the troubling developments surrounding Kerbal Space Program 2 (KSP 2), where recent layoffs and silence from Take Two Interactive have left players feeling misled and abandoned.

The game's studio, Intercept Games, was shut down on June 28 with no clear communication from the parent company. After misleading statements made by Take Two, the game seems to be potentially abandonware despite ongoing sales at full price.

💬 Join the conversation and share your thoughts on whether players deserve refunds or more transparency for games in early access that fail to launch.

#ksp2 #taketwo #gamingcontroversy #earlyaccessgames #GamerRights


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