Goodbye Iraq. (JULIE IN IRAQ)

Описание к видео Goodbye Iraq. (JULIE IN IRAQ)

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have joined me on this incredible journey and for your unwavering support throughout. Iraq may have faced its share of challenges and difficulties, but what I have witnessed and experienced there is a testament to its people's resilience, kindness, and beauty. My time in Iraq has opened my eyes to the depth of our shared humanity and how our love for food, music, celebration, and history can bridge even the broadest cultural gaps. As a young woman, I have faced my fair share of doubts and fears, but I am proud to say that this journey has helped me grow and learn in ways that I never thought possible. I hope my loved ones who may have reservations about my trip will see that their worries were unfounded and that this series shed light on the rich tapestry of life in Iraq. Thank you again for your support and for being a part of this amazing adventure with me!



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