Medved BOJAN risanka - Šofer / Bojan the Bear cartoon – Driver

Описание к видео Medved BOJAN risanka - Šofer / Bojan the Bear cartoon – Driver

Legendarna risanka naše mladosti. Medvedek Bojan s tremi osnovnimi barvami domiselno ustvarja svoj svet. V ta svet pride njegov prijatelj s črno in belo barvo, ki slika ledenike.
V tem delu naslovljenem Šofer, se spremeni v šoferja, ki preizkusi več razičnih vozil.
Legendary cartoon from our youth. Bojan the Bear is a painter who paints his own world with three colors. A friend of his enters the world, using two other colors - white and black - to paint glaciers.
In this part called Driver, Bojan tries different vehicles.


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