Social Media Storytelling Secret

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Kindra Hall is a Speaker, Author and Storytelling Advisor.

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I’ll be the first to admit, I am not the best at using storytelling strategically. I only tweet when tweeted to, bad, I know.
I only use instagram to post pictures of my cute kids or to add a filter on a photo of myself in hopes it’ll make me look better.
And linkedin, well, I keep it current but other than that… I’m lost.

But Facebook, on Facebook I know a secret.

Before I tell you the secret, I suppose I should tell you I didn’t actually know it was a secret. I thought everyone knew about it. But then, I spoke at a marketing event not long ago and I brought up this secret during a conversation after the presentation and the guy looked at me like he had just discovered a pot of gold… He nearly skipped out of the auditorium and I felt bad I didn’t mention the secret from stage.

Ok. So here it is. The secret to maximizing your Facebook Business page with storytelling. You may or may not know this, but if you have a Facebook Business page, Facebook only serves your posts to something like 14% of the people who Like your page. So let’s say, you have a thousand people who like your page; they’ve clicked LIKE, they’ve expressed they want to receive information from you or your business… of those 1000 eager fans, Facebook will only SHOW your posts to 140 of them—at best! Nevermind likes, or comments.. more than 80% of your fans, aka, potential customers won’t even SEE is. Now, those numbers may have changed, but those were the most recent stats I heard. Facebook does this because they're smart, they're a business, they want you to pay to have your posts shared with more people. They want you to spend more money to get more reach. But! There is an easy, organic way to get your message out there despite these Facebook traps. Tell a story. Here’s a little experiment for you. Post a picture, just a photo—give it a couple hours then take a look at your “reach” stats. Make note. THEN, post the exact same picture but this time, add a story… something with a beginning, middle and end. Anywhere from 150 200 to 300 words. You will be shocked at how many MORE people Facebook will ORGANICALLY serve that post too. I’ve had up to 10x more people see a post that had a story vs. the photo alone. This of course leads to more likes, comments, engagements, etc. Why is this? Think about it, Facebook doesn’t want business pages to overrun their newsfeeds with business-y/sales-y type posts. Facebook would turn into a ghost town if that happened (Myspace band pages, anyone?) However, normal humans who are just using Facebook to connect with their friends and family members tell STORIES in their posts. If your business page is telling stories, Facebook is cool with spreading it to more people because humans like stories. They know the member of the site will engage. It makes sense, doesn’t it? Now I admit, it’s waayyy easier to just snap a photo of the beach, throw a filter on it and post it up there with hashtag beachtime. But, if you take a couple of extra minutes and post a story in there—why you’re at the beach, why you love the beach, what you or your company does to get people more beach time—it will make a significant difference in your reach and if you optimize your Facebook page properly, in your revenue and recognition. Give the experiment a try, because when it comes to Facebook business pages, a picture is not worth 1000 words. Alright. That’s my secret for today. Have any other Facebook business page hacks? Post them in the comments. Have a friend who has a FB Business page? Pass this video along. I’m all about sharing the secrets I didn’t even know I had. Have a great rest of your day and I’ll see you again soon.


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