TACTICA Medieval Rules - Review Part 1(Core Rules)

Описание к видео TACTICA Medieval Rules - Review Part 1(Core Rules)

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Tactica is fun, which is the key to any good miniature wargame. Tactica is very strict and unforgiving. This means you must pay attention at the start of the game, or face the consequences of a much better-placed opponent. This game simply seems to best reflect the feel and brutal simplicity of a Medieval deathmatch
If you are looking to recreate the battles of the Renaissance & Pike and Shot - these are not the rules for you. There is no gunpowder in Tactica Medieval
Tactica was designed to simulate the look and feel of a Medieval battle, and it succeeds admirably.
That said, Tactica is not for everyone. First, the armies required are quite large - perhaps impractical for someone who doesn't have the benefit of a club or organization. Second, the gameplay is radically different from the tinkering micro-management of a DBM or WRG 7th. After a certain point in a Tactica game, there is a sense of inevitability as to the outcome: Your battle line is deployed, your reserve committed, your cavalry engaged - hope you win. This makes Tactica very realistic, but not everyone's cup of tea.
The system is simple but well thought out. It is very subtle and requires a great deal of timing and skill. There are lots of dice to roll which I like, but the system requires no saving throws or the likes so each throw means business. The movement system is restrictive but realistic. Some variation is allowed for different armies where historically justified.
These rules have an attraction of their own and are especially suitable for multi-player games
Its one drawback for me is that it isn't very suitable for solo gaming but I don't think that it was ever meant to be. To appreciate Tactica you need someone to play against. To play the rules as they stand requires large armies for the Ancient rules, though provision is made to use less figures whilst building up an army. In Medieval Tactica the armies are much smaller.

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