He's Changing from Chicken Tractor to Free Range Chicken Netting (Bean Hollow Grassfed)

Описание к видео He's Changing from Chicken Tractor to Free Range Chicken Netting (Bean Hollow Grassfed)

Typically, farmers go looking for the farm they want to have, but Mikes farm found him. When he and his wife returned home to care for his aging in-laws, the 200 acres began to call after him. Could he really make a profitable business off a small regenerative farm? He wanted to know. Ten years later, he believes the answer is yes but not without needing to be adaptable. For example, he has seen how raising chickens and turkeys outside of a tractor is more beneficial for the soil and chicken. He has also found the best way to make sure his first time customers become repeat customers. However, he is aging and he doesn’t want to do this forever. So, his hard working farm intern will be taking over the farm one day with all the wonderful things she has learned from him.

Bean Hollow Grassfed
Flint Hill, Virginia
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► Video edited by: Paul Schoentrup

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