The IRKRS - The International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society

Описание к видео The IRKRS - The International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society

The International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society [Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Kokusai Kenkyukai/琉球唐手術国際研究會 ]... the first style-free based Karate study group of its kind in the Western World has been networking, building bridges and bringing together likeminded people in pursuits of common goals since 1988.

A link to the past can be your bridge to the future: Our comprehensive system of application practices is the pathway between kata and kumite. Learned correctly, they can enhance the depth and value of any dojo curriculum without adversely affecting its cosmetic appearance or taking anything away from its cultural heritage. Described as Koryu Uchinadi, it can also be learned and imparted as a provocative alternative to conventional methods of physical fitness and stress management. Learning how to respond dispassionately to unwarranted aggression requires self-empowerment. Such training promotes an inner-calm and, where conflict exists, helps restore a natural balance to personal and professional relationships.

Deep roots strengthen the foundation of this art and yet wings provide the means to continue forth on the journey of discovery. Practicing Karate links us inconspicuously to its past; through discipline and sacrifice we discover our inner-self; by training together we forge important bonds of friendship and by living the art we honor its heritage.

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