
Описание к видео テキサスをブルースの洪水にしてしまうオーバードライブ

今年のはじめに作成したミッドブースターのSLOW HAND。たくさん視聴いただきありがとうございます。動画の中のコメントで「シリーズ化してほしい」という大変ありがたい声をいただきました。


A mid-booster SLOW HAND that I created at the beginning of this year. Thank you very much for watching. In the comments on the video, we received a very grateful comment saying, ``I want this to be made into a series.''
This time it's an overdrive pedal that was inspired by that voice. Yes, as you can see from the name, it is a Fujitone-style version of "that" overdrive pedal.

I originally came up with the design as an April Fool's joke this year, but there is a restriction in using this type of knob: you have to use a split shaft. However, I really wanted to make it happen, so I created it by covering the limitations of the parts with ideas.
. It is easy to simply widen the hole, but machining precision is required to prevent the knob from being eccentric.
If you're going to do it, don't compromise and do something that you won't be embarrassed to show to anyone! After repeated experiments, I was finally able to complete the project.

Also, the internal wiring is grounded at one point using the technique I learned when I made the fujitonebender last time.
Also, since three types of projects were being carried out at the same time, the preview videos for each will be uploaded at a later date.
Well, this time it's just a production scene, but please enjoy!


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