Is Form I 944 Mandatory [September 2020]

Описание к видео Is Form I 944 Mandatory [September 2020]

Do you need to send the Public Charge Form I-944 with the Adjustment of Application? Or not?

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   • Is Form I 944 Mandatory [September 2020]  

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[Question] "Has the I-944 been suspended or is it still a mandatory
requirement?" Unfortunately, USCIS has not communicated well,
but we can assume that right now - today, September 1st -
it's not required.
I don't know about September 2nd because you can't find it
on the website without really searching for it. On the I-485
page, it references the injunction with no updates.
There was a report on Twitter that said CBS News contacted
USCIS says it's not required.
It's pretty crazy ridiculous for the amount of money you're
paying and agencies of the Government, where
they have not been direct and clear with us if we need to
submit this or not. But colleagues of mine today have told
me that they submitted the case without the the I-944
Public Charge paperwork and they got receipts for it, which means
they accepted the case.
I haven't seen it for myself.
I'm probably gonna be filing
my first one that doesn't have it next week.
It'll be a couple weeks before I get it.
I'm filing cases this week, but we already had the I-944
prepared and the person makes enough money,
so the I-944 is not big deal for them, the Public Charge.
So we'll see. But it's really a mess.
It's just a full mess.
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