Radio New Zealand Pacific calling on the 22m band 13755 kHz at 06:59 am from Rangitaiki

Описание к видео Radio New Zealand Pacific calling on the 22m band 13755 kHz at 06:59 am from Rangitaiki

Hi there, great to hear RNZP this morning from Oxford. I don't often hear them on this frequency/ at this time because I'm already busy at work or preparing to go to work.

This signal is slightly worse in strength and quality to what I hear from them in the afternoons on 7390 kHz. However, that's not surprising given the 22m band is best during summer and daylight hours. It was still dark in Oxford at 06:59 am this morning.

Recorded using an Icom IC-R8600 and a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna (outdoors) via a Bonito NTi AntennaJet RF splitter and GI1000 galvanic isolator.

Thanks for watching and 73


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