Keto alcoholic mixed drinks | 4 Keto Cocktails that you will LOVE!💜

Описание к видео Keto alcoholic mixed drinks | 4 Keto Cocktails that you will LOVE!💜

In this video I will show you 4 keto alcoholic mixed drinks! These keto cocktails are delicious, not your usual, and perfect when you are on the keto diet and are ready for a low carb option!

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The links below make it easy for you to find the items I use. Please note that these are affiliate links, if you purchase this product from the link, I will get a small commission. Please know that I would never promote a product that I didn’t love and use. Thanks for supporting me.:)

Pina Colada mix Singles-

Baja Bob’s Singles (Margarita, Pina Colada, and Mudslide

Country Time Lemonade sugar free on the go

Blendtec Classic Blender-

Keto Alcoholic Mixed Drinks-
Whipped cream 3/4 Cup heavy cream whip until fluffy and add 1 T Monkfruit sweetener.

Cocktail Rootbeer Float:
1 shot of vodka
Diet Rootbeer
Top with 2 spoonfuls of whipped cream

Lemonade Cocktail:
1/2 Packet of country time sugar free lemonade
1 cup water
1 Shot of vodka

Baja bob's mudslide/pina colada- used directions on package

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