Canadian Army Newsreel, No. 33 (1944)

Описание к видео Canadian Army Newsreel, No. 33 (1944)

Language: This film is a heritage item from Library and Archives Canada and is only available in English.

The Canadian Army Newsreels were ten-minute films, made up of a number of different stories and produced by the Canadian Army Film and Photo Unit. Dubbed with the phrase, "of the troops, by the troops and for the troops," these newsreels were distributed within the Canadian Army.

Please note that some names may not be spelled correctly.

1. Crusade for Liberation!: D-Day preparations in England; story of the Normandy invasion; ships are loaded with men and equipment; Tuesday, June 6, move to the target; the invasion begins at sea; landing craft move to the beaches of Bernières-sur-Mer; landing by Canadians and the consolidation of their positions; equipment is unloaded; German prisoners start to come in; buildings damaged by German artillery; troops moving up; dinner around a fire; socializing fraternizing with French women; the medical corps at work; prisoners are sent to England; casualties being loaded on ships for the trip back to England; General Bernard Montgomery with the troops and giving a news conference.

2. Canadians Smash Hitler Line: The 8th Army joins the 5th Army at [Liri] River Valley to attack the Hitler line; moving forward with tanks, equipment and on foot; wreckage caused by German artillery; prisoners from the Nazi Elite Corps, the 1st German Parachute Division and the 9th Panzer Grenadiers; soldiers walk through the ruins of [Ceprano]; move out on the roads.

3. On to Rome: Crowds of Romans cheer the Allies as they march into town; crowds at the Forum and in the Square.

IDC: 33109.


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