Piano Tutorial - Si jodi a m vivan (If I’m alive today) June 21, 2021

Описание к видео Piano Tutorial - Si jodi a m vivan (If I’m alive today) June 21, 2021

I have decided to do this piano tutorial. If you have any other hymns or worship songs, or any piano tips/skills that you would like me to do a tutorial on, please comment below.

If you haven’t already, subscribe to MARLON MUSIC CHANNEL    / marlonmusicchannel  

For those that would like to support the tutorial financially, you can do so here: https://cash.app/$marlonmusicchannel

A Special Thank You to All of My Members for Supporting MARLON MUSIC CHANNEL:

SF Rose    / @sfrose3333  

Angella M

nat oneal    / @natoneal3866  

Minister Of Music Terrence Trower    / ministerofmusicterrencetrower  

1SP    / 1spchannel  

Life of GCV Gwen    / peacenlovehappinesswellnesschannel  

Queen SunShine    / @queensunshine11  

Time with Tiffi    / @timewithtiffi  

BlueJeans    / blujeansnetwork  

CubsDen    / cubsdentips  

Mary Eneogwe    / maryeneogweinspt  

SalesLadyBossUp    / salesladybossupfranks  

Destiny awaits me jer 29:11    / @destinyawaitsmejer  

Creatively Created Crochet- Triple C    / creativelycreatedcrochet  

Bernadette Joseph

Thank You All for tuning in! God Bless You All 🙏🏾

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   / @marlonmusicchannel  

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