Zoltán Ivics (biochemist) honorary doctorate lecture at ELTE

Описание к видео Zoltán Ivics (biochemist) honorary doctorate lecture at ELTE

Biochemist Zoltán Ivics was awarded the title "doctor et professor honoris causa" by University of ELTE Senate.
His honorary doctorate lecture was on the Eötvös Day at ELTE Facultyof Science on May 9, 2024.

Zoltán Ivics deals with the evolution, molecular biology and genetic applications of mobile genetic elements (transposons). He is the founder and one of the inventors of the Sleeping Beauty transposon system, which revolutionized the technological platforms of genetic manipulations in vertebrate model systems. He is a recognized domestic and international expert in genetic engineering, genome manipulation, functional genomics and gene therapy use of mobile genetic elements. In Europe and Germany, he is one of the leading figures in the gene and cell therapy scientific community, organizer and lecturer at numerous international conferences.

More info: https://ttk.elte.hu/eotvosnap2024


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