"Roadracers" Movie Trailer and a thanks to Robert Rodriguez

Описание к видео "Roadracers" Movie Trailer and a thanks to Robert Rodriguez

I first learned of this film in 1998 when an old girlfriend brought a VHS copy to me and said "here watch this, the guy in this movie reminds me of you". She worked at Long's Drugs and she had nicked the VHS tape from the store which was promo copy for the store to decide if they wanted to offer the movie as a rental...I'm guessing. So anyway a watermark disclaimer ran across the screen every 10 minutes warning that the tape was not for retail use or distribution. This did not bother me in the least because I fell IN LOVE with this movie immediately. I've showed the film to every person I ever known, I've watched it hundreds of times and I know every line. This movie has the greatest sound track ever. I even met David Arquette at a post production studio I was working at one time and I told him how much I loved Roadracers. He told me stories of filming with Robert Rodriguez, said Robert was hanging off the front of the car with one hand on the hood and the other on the camera (what a stud) and then David signed my copy. This movie also inspires me, I am such a huge fan of Robert Rodriguez's work which I am of course much more familiar with now then I was in 1998. Since 2002 and I've been living in LA and working toward a dream I feel must be much like Robert Rodriguez's life and career. I decided to cut a trailer to this movie because I can't find a real trailer for this film (the movie was only released on Showtime, on VHS and I guess DVD in Australia) and because I am working hard on my editing chops and why not work on something you love? I was limited to the married audio which most of the dialogue in the film is over music so I did a lot sound work and kept the cut short and sweet...I think. I hope that Robert Rodriguez and whoever owns this film is okay with me doing this MOCK trailer for all the right reasons and I hope I did it justice. This is NOT the actual trailer, I am NOT going to profit from this cut, I am just having fun...hey maybe Robert Rodriguez will even let me cut a real trailer for this film someday, I heard he's trying to have it re-released.


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