Quanto pesa? I verbi in -ARE - Impara l'Italia (Lezione 7 Livello A2) - Lezioni di lingua italiana

Описание к видео Quanto pesa? I verbi in -ARE - Impara l'Italia (Lezione 7 Livello A2) - Lezioni di lingua italiana

☀️🍝 Live your Italian dream in Italy! Discover our courses on ➡️ https://www.ilm.it/

Call us: +393899476051
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Contact us: https://www.ilm.it/contact-us/


Quanto pesa il nostro insegnante Alessio? Lo scopriamo in questa nuova videolezione dove parliamo delle unità di misura usate in Italia per pesare (grammi, ettogrammi e chilogrammi) e dei verbi del primo gruppo (verbi in -ARE). Con le nostre studentesse Rebecca e Shelly peseremo alcuni prodotti tipici della alimentazione toscana (per esempio la panzanella...)
Cosa impariamo: grammatica: verbi del primo gruppo; Funzione comunicativa: domandare il peso; lessico: le unità di misure di peso/messa nel Sistema Metrico Decimanle (Sistema internazionale di unità di misura [SI] usato in Italia e in quasi tutta Europa)
Livello consigliato A2.

How heavy is our teacher Alessio? We discover in this new video lesson where we talk about units of measurement used in Italy for weighing (grams, hectograms and kilograms) and about the first group verbs (-ARE)
What we learn: Grammar: the first group verbs; comunicative function: asking the weight; lexicon: the unit of weight/mass in the International System of Units (SI) (the Metric system)
Level A2.
Learn Italian with us!

_______WHO ARE WE? IT’S ILM!_______

Our language school, the Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo (ILM), has been teaching Italian with great success since 1981.

We guarantee high quality instruction by our experienced teachers on our language courses

All of our teachers speak Italian as their mother tongue and have trained in teaching Italian to foreigners.

Our team is experienced and professional, but also friendly and welcoming.

We are a small school, so everybody gets to know each other. Our teachers and other members of staff gladly go the extra mile to take care of students.

There is always an opportunity to speak with teachers after lessons, to help students with any doubts they may have.

Students can also meet with our secretary and director for any kind of assistance.

_______WHERE WE ARE_______

Our School premises are in Pisa and Viareggio in Tuscany.
These are two charming small and safe cities near the sea. 🌊

You may choose either for an ideal Italian culture and lifestyle experience. 🍝🍷

☀️🍝Live your Italian dream in Italy! Discover our courses on ➡️ https://www.ilm.it/

_______FOLLOW US!_______

Call us: +393899476051

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact us: https://www.ilm.it/contact-us/

Our website: https://www.ilm.it/

Instagram:   / ilm_istituto_mediterraneo  

Facebook:   / ilm.it  

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