Disable DTC codes And Disable Vats With Universal Patcher

Описание к видео Disable DTC codes And Disable Vats With Universal Patcher

Should work on P1 or P59
After You Download Universal Patcher,
Unzip it and open the unzipped Folder.
It will Look Like This.
Then Find the Launcher, And Open it

Then click on tuner

Now in the uper left corner click "File", then open Bin. Now navigate to where your Bin file is that you read off of your PCM. and double click it.
Now with the bin open we can search for DTC, by clicking in the filter box

When we type DTC, it finds 2 tables. Double Click the First one

Here is the list of codes we can edit in the PCM
We have 3 choices, if you want to turn the code off completly, select 3
No Error

Do the same for all the codes
you wish to disable

When complete, click the X
then click yes when prompted. I forgot to mention you should also uncheck the box at the left for SES light.

Now at this time we can save our moddified file.

So we click File again and select Save Bin AS. This will propt you to create a file name for your modified file. You can add the date, or simply state "modified" Then click SAVE.

Now we can apply the VATS delete Patch Click On Utilities, Then Apply Patch

Now we click on the row that says

Disable VATS Then Click aPPLY cURRENT pATCH

Then you can exit that screen. Now we need to save the file again. We can either choose save as again and rename the file, Or we can just click save
If you notice the lower left dialog box shows done, and checksum 1 ok. Now we are done. The bin file is ready to be used

Thanks For watching, Hope this helps Someone


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