Join a Spatial XR Meeting and Experts appear in your physical room

Описание к видео Join a Spatial XR Meeting and Experts appear in your physical room

Join a Spatial XR Meeting and Experts appear in your physical room
3.1 Connect Live with the experts
to get guidance on how to address the Issues you have and how to address them Beyond what the pre-recorded instruction provided you
3.2 Get real-time Hands-On instructions
with voice Avatar pointing out exactly what to do on the physical equipment
3.3 The experts are virtually inside your physical room
Experts appear in your physical room
for you it appears that they are in your physical room and point on the physical equipment
Experts can see the superimposed virtual scan room
Experts can walk you through the repair procedure
They are pointing and show you every step in such a way that it's impossible to go wrong


Информация по комментариям в разработке