All Collectors are Investors, but are all Investors Collectors? Plus Buying Vintage Cards for Profit

Описание к видео All Collectors are Investors, but are all Investors Collectors? Plus Buying Vintage Cards for Profit

JELI CARDS PODCAST: Season 2 Episode 79
The hobby was created because of the love for collecting cards and memorabilia. However, are the investment opportunities taking away from the collecting side of the hobby? Are all the investors in the hobby still collectors at heart? Also, can you operate a sports card business solely based on vintage cards? Can vintage cards remain relevant in the hobby with a new generation of collectors taking over? #sportscards #sportscards101 #sportscardbuying #sportscardscollector #sportscardstore #sportscardsandmemorbilia #sportscardsinvesting #vintagecards #vintagebaseballcards #vintagebaseball #vintagesportscards #vintagesports #topps #toppscards #toppstradingcards #toppschrome #toppsbaseball #toppsbaseballcards #toppsnow #baseballcards #baseballcardcollection #baseballcard


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