ఎవ్వరి మీదా చచ్చేంత ప్రేమ పెంచుకోకు! | Excellent philosophy about Life and Love | Akella Raghavendra

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"Purity at Heart, Clarity at Mind" అన్నది విజయానికి మూలం అనేది బలంగా నమ్మే సిద్దాంతం

Akella Raghavendra, a renowned Motivational Speaker, an accomplished IAS Trainer, decorated Author, Writer, and more. Mr. Akella has been responsible for delivering lectures at hundreds of colleges, schools, corporates, and TV Shows. An active participant on several TV channels on Talk Shows, Mr. Raghavendra is well known in social and business circles as a man with a social commitment and one with a vision to bring in changes in our outlook of humaneness. of the socially and economically downtrodden, and the visually

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