
Описание к видео 潮州美食菜粿

位于Taman Muda里的住宅式店面,是一家拥有20年古早味又纯手工的菜粿店。本店只限于带走,不提供堂食物。

· 最低要下单150pcs 才包外送。

· 老板为了提倡环保,纸盒是特别预定,是可以放进微波炉使用,非常的环保与方便。
· 本身想预定菜粿到外地,可以向老板要求冰冻菜粿,方便大家携带去外地。

沙葛菜粿- 沙葛经过翻炒后,把沙葛改有的味道都提升了,使口感更美味。
芋头菜粿- 本店卖的芋头菜粿,内里的芋头酥松软糯,下料一点都不吝啬,是以上好的芋头制作,让人吃了即刻爱上它。
韭菜菜粿- 韭菜菜粿是本店最畅销的菜粿,原汁原味,皮滑馅香。
金瓜菜粿- 口感非常的沙滑,外皮很软又Q又好吃。
越南pandan菜粿- 拥有非常浓郁的pandan味,口感香绵。
越南糯米菜粿- 外观开胃,是下午茶的佳选。

Alex / Dawn
012-888 5180 / 012-627 1371

Located at Taman Muda, Ampang-A handmade Cai Kueh store with more than 20 years of history. Only for take away.

We also provide FREE delivery service with minimum order of 150pcs per single order within East Malaysia.

The delivery carton box:
• For healthy and environmental friendly, we use high quality paper box and microwave oven safe.
• Frozen Vegetable Kueh is available.

We have Yam Bean Cai Kueh, Taro Cai Kueh, Chives Cai Kueh-(best-selling vegetable Cai Kueh in our shop).
Gourd Cai Kueh-The texture is very smooth, the skin is soft, Q and delicious.
Vietnamese Pandan Cai Kueh-has a very strong Pandan flavor and great texture.
Vietnamese glutinous rice Cai Kueh-Appetizing, and it is a very good choice for afternoon tea.

Alex / Dawn
012-888 5180 / 012-627 1371


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