Autodesk Maya 2019 - Edit Mesh Tools: Extrude, Bevel & Bridge

Описание к видео Autodesk Maya 2019 - Edit Mesh Tools: Extrude, Bevel & Bridge

A review of the Edit mesh Tools in Maya 2019 including:

Edit Mesh Menu:

shortcut: Right Click & Shift
Extrude (Command / Control E):
faces, edges and vertices
scale vs move extrude (inner vs. outer extrude)
Bevel: select object, face, edge or vertex
Camfer Vertices
Bridge Tool:
Maya: Bridge tool (FAST and all you need to know!) (Links to an external site.)
Maya: Bridge tool (FAST and all you need to know!)
Copy & Paste vs. Duplicate
Combine, then Bridge!
Bridge Options panel - Smooth Path & Curve


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