Hunter Ranger Neverwinter Single Target Rotation

Описание к видео Hunter Ranger Neverwinter Single Target Rotation

My rotation goes like this

HinderingShot 2xtab, ConsArrow 2xtab, LSS 2xtab, CS* , SteelBlitz , GushingWound 2xtab , HinderStrike , (CS* during the animation) , AtWill until ConsArrow is back again while using HinderingShots as fillers to reduce all of the cooldown but always leaving 1 charge to reapply Prey as 1 sec is remaining in the cooldown of ConsArrow to begin the rotation again. So i always use the HinderingShot whenever it is off cooldown while everything else is on cooldown for the recharge speed but leaving 1 charge to reapply Prey.

*CS= Change Stance
**2x tab tap during animations of Encounters/Atwill

After the 3x range enc usage the 3x melee enc arent always gonna be off cooldown after series of rotations.. So atwills will be the filler and some hindering shots to reduce cooldown. I use steelblitz first among the 3 melee enc. I find it more convenient to use first watching the cooldown of Gushing Wound at 1sec remaining then i start with the steelblitz. I dont 2xtab HinderStrike.. i switch stance (to apply Rate of Change) during the animation and as if to cancel the animation and pressing either AimedShot asap or HinderShot.


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