Описание к видео THE ONLY RIVEN GUIDE YOU WILL EVER NEED!│Warframe 2023

Full In depth guide to Rivens!
Useful information for beginners and veterans!
Explaining the stats, value and impact that rivens bring.

Time Stamps -
0:00 Introduction
0:25 Holy trinity of Rivens
0:56 Why you want Negatives on Rivens
1:09 Where to slot Rivens
2:19 Gun vs Melee stats
2:28 Category stat rankings + Best Positives (Guns)
5:02 Extra for Positives
6:16 Harmless Negatives + Category stat rankings (Guns)
8:09 Positive Negatives (Guns)
8:39 Best Positives + Category stat rankings (Melee)
10:11 Harmless Negatives + Category stat rankings (Melee)
10:55 Positive Negatives (Melee)
11:23 Riven Disposition
13:08 Rivens Value
13:57 Outro

Accurate riven disposition list -

This video is more about explaining which rivens are worth using and not fully about selling.
Keep in mind that the rating is opinion based, as any other tier-list would be for example.
If you are a complete beginner and you don't know what a riven is?
They are mods that can only be used on a specific weapon. Once you do the task from the text on your riven, the weapon on which you can slot this riven will be revealed.
You can get rivens weekly by trading your riven slivers(you get these from eximus/steel path units, 10 slivers = 1 riven).
Alternative way is to do sorties and archon hunts for a chance of getting a riven. They are also tradeable between players. They can be obtained from the steelpath circuit if it happens to be in the rotation. Also possible to buy them from Teshin when they are in rotation but it costs 75 Steel Essence so I don't suggest it unless you are a heavy SE grinder.
You can "reroll"(change their stats) rivens using kuva at the "mods" section.

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Songs are in order.

"Sappheiros - Embrace" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0)
/ sappheiros
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

"Neutrin05 - Home" is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

"Middle Child - Miss You" is under a Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.
• middle child - mi...
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

Song: Vorsa - If Only You Knew
Music provided by BreakingCopyright:

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