The Evolution of PBS Idents

Описание к видео The Evolution of PBS Idents

Oh my god, it's finally done.

After months of hard work (in case you were wondering, I've been working on this since March), I present to you the sequel to "The Evolution of ITV Idents", this time focusing on the Public Broadcasting Service, better known as PBS! This video covers the majority of idents from not only PBS, but also it's various member stations, as well as some extras (PBS Home Video, PBS Kids, etc.)!

Now, as this video features nearly 600 IDs, I am unable to credit every single person who's capture was used in this video, but the most notable people that I'd personally like to credit are Alden Moeller, Cesar Blanco, TheIridiumic138, and Broken Saw. They were by far the most common people I kept running into while making this, and I'd just like to thank them for preserving these little pieces of Public Television history.

Welp, that's all I've got for now! Hope you enjoy the video, and have a happy 2023!


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