2024.12.22 - Fourth Sunday of Advent- New Hope Lutheran Church - Pastor Steven Simpson

Описание к видео 2024.12.22 - Fourth Sunday of Advent- New Hope Lutheran Church - Pastor Steven Simpson

Series Intro:
Our theme for Advent this year is “Words for the Beginning.” We will be looking back at a variety of Bible stories, many of which you might have heard before. But these are also tales of peace and comfort.

The series is inspired by the visual concept of quilting because these scriptures provide warmth and peace. Just as a quilt formed by scraps of old fabrics and meaningful family items, this worship series stitches together the ancient scriptures and reminders we need to hear again and again.

Today's Sermon: Hope is Worth the Risk

Description: As we approach Christmas, where have you seen moments of hope in your life? We worship a God who was born on Earth, placed in a manger, to be close to you. Even in the most challenging moments, God’s love is there to give us comfort and grace.

Pastor Steven Simpson
Deacon Lynn Bulock
David Cohen, Worship Director

Worship Team:
Jill Marsh, soloist
David Cohen, pianist
Dorr Looman, guitar and bass
Jamie Papish, Percussion

Our opening music, followed by our theme song, “Welcome to New Hope” was written and recorded by David Scott Cohen. Our closing song, “Until We Meet Again” was written and recorded by David Cohen, with vocals from Christine Cohen.

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