بچے کی پیدائش کی دردیں شروع ہونے کی علامات|Signs Of Start Of Labour Pains|Urdu|Hindi|DrSaraSafdar

Описание к видео بچے کی پیدائش کی دردیں شروع ہونے کی علامات|Signs Of Start Of Labour Pains|Urdu|Hindi|DrSaraSafdar

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بچے کی پیدائش کی دردیں شروع ہونے کی علامات|Signs Of Start Of Labour Pains|Urdu|Hindi|DrSaraSafdar

Today's video is about signs of start of Labour Pains.In first half of video,we will discuss some signs which will indicate labour pains will be started in one to two weeks and in second half of video,we will discuss some signs which indicate that labour pains will be started in one to two days.Beta HCG hormone levels increases gradually,At 40 weeks beta HCG hormone levels gradually decreases,it starts labour pains.There is another hormone corticotropin releasing hormone CRH , which is released from adrenal glands of baby,When it's level increases, Labour pain starts and pregnancy terminates.Increase level of CRH shows baby is completed now and ready for delivery.Now we will discuss some signs which shows labour process will start in one to two weeks:
1: lightening:In last trimester,there is feeling of heaviness in stomach and indigestion due to baby pressure on stomach but when you feel pressure on stomach is released and baby is descend down in pelvis,it means labour pains will start in 1 to 2 week.
2:Nesting,Female starts to prepare baby bag,baby room and preparations to welcome her baby,it is nesting ,it means baby labour process will be started in coming 1 to 2 weeks.
3: Brexit Hicks Contractions starts in last trimester and in 9th months ,it's frequency increases,it means labour pains will start in coming 1 to 2 weeks.
4: Vaginal discharge,when it starts on and off without any smell , or itching, it's pearly white ,it means labour process will start in coming days.
5: Mucus plug, cervix is closed with mucus plug,1 to 2 weeks before start of labour pains ,this mucus plug detaches and excretes out of vagina ,it means labour pains will start with in 2 weeks.
Now some signs that indicate labour pains will start in 1 to 2 days:
1:menstural cramps, some females feel backache that come forward ,when it's frequency increases,it means labour pains will establish in few hours.
2: vaginal discharge mixed with pink or red spot called show is felt,it means cervix is soft now and opening.
3:sometimes water bag ruptures first,then labour pains starts.Sometimes mild pains start first,then water bag ruptures,in both cases, labour process starts in few hours or within 48 hours.When any female has these signs ,she should walk at home and should take short meals, sometimes loose motion is felt, pregnant woman should contact to gynaecologist,and follow her instructions.

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