Pac-Man CE 2 - Spiral: Single Train - 5,916,003

Описание к видео Pac-Man CE 2 - Spiral: Single Train - 5,916,003

WR & world's first 5.9M score achieved on this course on Sep 17, 2024!

So very recently, a player by the name of niiro found a new and improved route through the mazes. So after watching their replay, I felt motivated to try and improve my score with the new route. And wow, it was a big surprise that I improved all the way to 5.9M, was definitely not expecting this new route to yield this kind of score! I was only hoping to improve my score by about 20 or 30K! I don't think I'll try to improve this score in the near future, this run was good overall!

Total Score for Score Attack after making this improvement: 162,339,317


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