Easter 2011 - Fanfare and Easter Hymn - Cathedral of St. John The Divine, NYC

Описание к видео Easter 2011 - Fanfare and Easter Hymn - Cathedral of St. John The Divine, NYC

Easter Day 2011 at The Cathedral of St. John The Divine, NYC, played on the fully restored Great Aeolian Skinner Organ Op. 150AB (as restored by Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., 2008). This clip shows off the State Trumpet stop immediately after the Bishop Of New York opened the 18 foot high Great Bronze Doors at the West End of the Cathedral, followed by the traditional Easter Hymn Lyra Davidica.

The Cathedral's Organ Scholar Raymond Nagem performs at the console.

For those wondering about the capture device, I used my 4+ year old Canon S5 digital camera set to the highest video resolution. This Canon has very good audio mics, considering it is SD video! I was positioned in the Great Choir, top row, and the Canon was angled so no one could see its recording light blinking....

Link to the Quimby website, containing a detailed history of this landmark instrument and its current specification - https://quimbypipeorgans.com/complete...


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