◁ WARRIORS ▷ Fight | PMV

Описание к видео ◁ WARRIORS ▷ Fight | PMV

▲Well, I was planning to make a remake of the video for this song (   • 「WARRIORS」Fight - PMV [NOT COMPLETED]  ) for a long time, and now, at last, I finished it. Yes, the idea has changed a little, but do not do the same two videos about the same battle, because the battle was selected from the last book of the 4th cycle. Honestly, I'm happy with this video, especially I like this palette for this song. ♥

▲ Music: All Good Things – Fight


▲ VK: https://vk.com/arts_by_desert
▲ DA: http://fox-desert.deviantart.com/
▲ VIRINK: https://virink.com/Desert
▲ ASK: http://ask.fm/Desert17


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