Ocelot vs. BahdKo (

Описание к видео Ocelot vs. BahdKo (

Anders Johnsen: "Upon viewing this game, people should keep some facts in mind. The score, at first glance, looks ridiculous. Its hard to imagine that it's actually two veteran players going at it. Ocelot is an exceptional player, and this recording might be one of the best demonstrations at that, so far. His will to minimize the score of a losing opponent, and the skillwise means to do so, is perhaps unmatched. 1 frag was left for Bahdko in this particular game, and its tough to realize this is a good player. Any lesser-experienced player, or someone lacking the self control it takes to handle such a loss, would cave in and give up long before Oce hits 50. I personally think Bahd is one of the few players around able to do this. It's fair to mention some luck is required, besides skill, to achive a 50 to 1 score against a good player. Oce was down to a dangerously low health level twice during the game, situations where he perhaps deserved to get fragged. On the other hand, Bahdko nearly looses her one frag due to a somewhat unfortunate rocket incident in the late half of the game. She was 12% from a 50-0 score. It should also be noted that it's almost impossible or, perhaps, indeed impossible to achive such a score in Doom2 Old DM Map1 against a good foe without resorting to a selfkill tactic. Oce had 5 selfkills during this game, Bahd had none.

People who fail to see whats going on in the game might dismiss it with "the lack of skill" on Bahdko's part. Fact is, only Ocelot ever put Bahd's score this low. Keep in mind, this is a player who did scorewise well against players like Galiu, Sedlo, Dominus and Waldon. I would advise watching it from both players point of views. Seeing Bahds perspective might give an idea how its like to face Ocelot in map01. Keep in mind the lag difference from pl01 and pl02 is quite harsh on zone around their given ping."

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