Hair Blooms Wigs 男士女士髮片專區 - 用假髮片需要鏟去頭頂頭髮?! Shave the top of my head to wear a Hairpiece?!

Описание к видео Hair Blooms Wigs 男士女士髮片專區 - 用假髮片需要鏟去頭頂頭髮?! Shave the top of my head to wear a Hairpiece?!

#hairbloomswigs 真髮醫療假髮及髮片專門店 Human hair medical wig & hairpiece shop.

提供免費量度頭型和試戴服務, 歡迎預約了解更多。
We provide free head measurement, fitting and consultation. make your appointment today.

**價錢已包括剪頭髮,不會有另外收費 No additional charge for haircut / hairstyling

By Appointment Only 只限預約 ( Chris Ho):
📍電話 Mobile / WhatsApp: +852 9419.4310
📍電郵 email: [email protected]
📍地址: 香港銅鑼灣21號耀華街華耀商業大廈1205室
Address: Unit 1205 WorkingView Commercial Building, #21 Yiu Wa Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Hair Blooms Wigs由專業髮型師為脫髮人士提供一站式100%真髮醫療假髮及髮片 - 度身訂做服務: 從假髮挑選,量度頭型,剪髮造型,選擇髮色和試戴等。 可選擇幼髮質和粗髮質,多種假髮顏色選擇。對象: 癌症脫髮, 化療脫髮, 頭髮稀疏, M字額, 地中海, 鬼剃頭, 禿頭, 遮蓋白髮等。

提供專業手織100% 真髮醫療假髮及髮片。根據個人頭圍訂造全頭假髮或髮片,採用全透氣內網、輕巧和柔軟舒適的物料。 看起來完全自然,感覺像自然生長的頭髮一樣。 適合長時間配戴。為令視覺效果和感覺更自然,有十多種顏色可供選擇。

At Hair Blooms Wigs, our Professional Hair Stylist provides you a One-Stop Full Service of hand-made Medical Wigs and hairpiece which is using 100% human hair with breathable materials - light, soft and comfortable. They look entirely natural, feeling and reacting just like naturally growing hair. You can choose from fine to thick hair and color of your choice.

We are dedicated to provide a full service that includes: head measurement, fitting, made-to-order wigs or hairpiece, hair cut and styling, hair coloring, making sure you know how to wear, wash and properly maintain the wig or hairpiece.

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