Où est - Asking for and Giving Directions in French - A1 [with Alicia]

Описание к видео Où est - Asking for and Giving Directions in French - A1 [with Alicia]

It happens to all of us: you're lost, and you need help finding your way. Or maybe you're justlooking for something! What's a simple and efficient way to ask this in French? Let's find out and check that pronunciation!

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00:00 Introduction + lesson plan
00:50 derrière
01:22 Où est le supermarché ?
01:50 à côté de
02:12 devant / à droite de / à gauche de
03:14 proche de /entre
04:12 en face de / loin de
05:05 Recap

#LearnFrench #lingoniFRENCH #Frenchteacher


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