how to boost testosterone level | increase testosterone level at home

Описание к видео how to boost testosterone level | increase testosterone level at home

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to boost the testosterone hormone yoga diet sleep medicine all are discussed in this video.
Testosterone is hormone that is required for several bodily functions in men. Testosterone helps in developing secondary sexual characters like beard, body hair, deep heavy masculine voice and building muscle mass.

Testosterone is also required for proper functioning of the male reproductive system. Deficiency of testosterone may cause erectile dysfunction and low libido in men.

Eating these testosterone booster foods which I am going to discuss in this video on a regular basis will help you replenish testosterone levels naturally.

इस वीडियो में डॉ सलीम जैदी आपको 5 टेस्टोस्टेरोन बूस्टर खाद्य पदार्थों के बारे में बताएंगे जो आपके शरीर में टेस्टोस्टेरोन उत्पादन को बढ़ाने के लिए जाने जाते हैं।

टेस्टोस्टेरोन हार्मोन है जो पुरुषों में कई शारीरिक कार्यों के लिए आवश्यक है। टेस्टोस्टेरोन माध्यमिक यौन लक्षणों जैसे दाढ़ी, शरीर के बाल, गहरी भारी मर्दाना आवाज और मांसपेशियों के निर्माण में मदद करता है।
इन टेस्टोस्टेरोन बूस्टर खाद्य पदार्थों को खाने से, जिनके बारे में मैं इस वीडियो में नियमित रूप से चर्चा करने जा रहा हूं, आपको स्वाभाविक रूप से टेस्टोस्टेरोन के स्तर को फिर से भरने में मदद मिलेगी।
Testosterone (17ẞ-Hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one) is the main sex hormone in males. Maintaining and enhancing testosterone level in men is an incessant target for many researchers. Examples of such research approaches is to utilize specific types of food or dietary supplements as a safe and easily reached means. Here, specifically, since 1967 until now, many research studies have revealed the effect of onion on testosterone; however, this link has yet to be collectively reviewed or summarized.

Onions may provide many health benefits, from supporting the heart to slimming the waistline.

They are also good sources of several nutrients and antioxidants. In addition, onions may increase low levels of testosterone. In a 2012 study with a rat model, researchers found that a daily intake of fresh onion juice for 4 weeks significantly increased serum total testosterone levels.

As a result, in general, the main stream of research (75% of research studies) that are directly linking between onion and testosterone reveal a positive effect of onion on testosterone level in males. The rest of these studies (25%) did not show a significant effect of onion on testosterone level. These blunted studies were mainly conducted on male rats induced by chemical toxicants (cadmium, aluminum), which may induce irreversible damage to the reproductive


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