Tilling and Cultivating a Garden – How to Use a Front Tine Tiller

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Tilling is a form of deep cultivation and is important to the garden because. Bonnie stop teasing Napoleon.

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Part of being self-sufficient and self-reliant on the homestead is using a tiller to till your garden to grow your own vegetables. Tomatoes peppers or cucumbers whatever you want to grow. Let’s get to tilling the garden with this tiller.

We have had a very rainy wet winter and Spring. Time is getting away from us and we really need to get the garden prepared for the season. Tomorrow is supposed to be severe and stormy weather with more rain. Several inches of rain.

Why have a garden in the first place? Why not just buy your vegetables at the grocery store? We all know that in today’s so-called modern world eating healthy is more expensive than eating store bought processed food.

Why do you grow your own food? Why do you have a garden? Share your reasons in the comments.

Why do we cultivate the garden? What is the difference between cultivating and tilling? Cultivating is done to remove the weeds that you see already growing and to loosen and break up the soil so water can soak in better.

Tilling is a form of deep cultivation, farther down into the soil. You might do this with a new garden. I’m basically trying to just till the top of the soil, breaking it up and getting rid of the weeds. Which is always a huge challenge to stay ahead of. During the winter we throw the wood stove ashes on the garden and a little of the chicken coop bedding. So I want to incorporate this in the soil.

I’m making a fairly quick pass over the soil to mix it up. Going back and forth from one side of the garden to the other side. Turning the tiller around at each side and continuing on the other direction. Once I have completed the pass over the garden in one direction I do the same thing perpendicular, the other direction. Going back and forth, keeping the tiller just in the top of the soil. And it wants to dig in deeper because the soil is loosened up now.

Then I will do one more shallow pass the same direction as the first time just to be sure. Again, the soil is a bit wet but we will be getting more rain tomorrow and then it will definitely be too wet to till, to cultivate. And the weeds will be too much.

You want to just deep enough to break up the soil but not go too deep and cause other problems. It’s weird to think about it but you can damage soil by over doing it. You don’t want to create air pockets in the soil.

You may be a fan of no till gardening. That’s cool. Hey, why even get a tiller in the first place? Go ahead and garden without tilling. There are pros and cons to every system.

What are your favorite plants to grow in your garden? Let me know in the comments.

I think a tiller is a great tool to help us self sufficient homesteaders prepare and take care of our gardens. Yes, like any tool you must use it wisely, use it correctly. It’s nice to be outside and doing something you know is helping feed and take care of your family with nutritious food. Good and health food. There is a lot of waste in store bought food.

If you have a friend that’s thinking about starting a garden, please share this video with them.

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