#54 Access Modifiers in Java

Описание к видео #54 Access Modifiers in Java

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In this lecture we are discussing:
1)What is Access Modifiers ? Types of access Specifiers
2)How to use with example

What is Access Modifiers ? Types of access Specifiers
-- Access Modifiers are keywords that determine the visibility and access level of a class,
method, or data member.

-- There are four types of access specifiers in Java:

i) public: A public class, method, or data member is visible to all classes.
ii) protected: A protected class, method, or data member can be accessed by classes within the same
package, and any subclasses which extend the class.
iii) default: A default class, method, or data member is visible only to classes
within the same package.
iv) private: A private class, method, or data member is only visible to the class it is declared in,
and not to any subclasses.


package flder1.folder1;
// import flder1.folder2.B; --The type flder1.folder2.B is not visible because class is not public
import flder1.folder2.C;
public class A {

public static void main(String []args){
// B obj=new B(); -- we was not making class B as public -- so we get error
C obj =new C(); //since, Class C is public so we can use outside the package of folder2
//for class visibility only public is legal modifiers has been used and if you not mention anything by default class is default.

// System.out.println(obj.def); -- The field C.def is not visible because we want to access from different package but we have not visibility in current package because access specifier is default
// System.out.println(obj.prot); not visible because access specifier is protected -- it is only visible in same package or visible in other package if class is subclass of that class.
//protected visible to inherited class of different package also.

Child ch =new Child();
// ch.a; -- not visible in anywhere. Since a is visible only in same class because it is private.

class Child extends C{
private int a=9;
public void natureProtected(){
System.out.println(prot); //here we can use protected variable becuase it is visible to inherited class in different package also

step 1: create a folder flder1
Step 2: create two sub folder inside flder1 i) folder1 ii)folder2
step 3: create A.java file in folder1
step 4: create B.java, C.java in folder2

package flder1.folder2;
class B {
package flder1.folder2;
public class C {
int def=5;
protected int prot=6;
public int pub=7;
private int pvt=8;

Note : Remember visibility decrease in order
public--protected--default(but this keyword not mentioned like public and private)--private

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