『川藏印象』从北京出发沿川藏线自驾至拉萨 4000km沿途的景色令人目酣神醉【人在旅途 | 2019·自驾川藏】[Beautiful scenery of Sichuan-Tibet Highway]

Описание к видео 『川藏印象』从北京出发沿川藏线自驾至拉萨 4000km沿途的景色令人目酣神醉【人在旅途 | 2019·自驾川藏】[Beautiful scenery of Sichuan-Tibet Highway]

旅行游记 | 2019.4.27-2019.5.5 我和朋友一行四人自驾车由北京出发,途中经停西安、成都、理塘、芒康、然乌、雅鲁藏布大峡谷,最终抵达目的地拉萨。我们自康定起沿川藏线(318国道)行驶五天,抵达拉萨后又前往羊卓雍错、卡若拉冰川游览与拍摄。我将一路上的所见所闻用影像记录下来制成此片,希望与屏幕前的你一同分享这趟旅行中所见到的美景。

『西藏印象』   • 『西藏印象』从拉萨自驾出发途径半个中国回北京 一万五千公里沿途风光全程记录...  



Recording of the journey | 2019.4.27-2019.5.5 The 4,000km impressive journey from Beijing to Lhasa with magnificent vistas. I share this video with you, and hope you can immerse into the landscape with me.

In the summer of 2020, I travelled together with my friend Jagdtiger in Western China.We departed from Lhasa and drove through most of Tibet including Nyingchi, lhoka, Nagqu, Shigatse and Ngari. Then we drove to Xinjiang via 219 National Highway and visited much of it including Kashgar, Aksu, Bayingolin , Urumqi and Hami. After that we continued our journey by way of Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and Hebei and finally returned to Beijing.

Click here to watch →    • 『西藏印象』从拉萨自驾出发途径半个中国回北京 一万五千公里沿途风光全程记录...  

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