【おわら風の盆】凛として美しい踊り【天満町】2024.9.1 花踊り🌺[Owara Kaze no Bon] Dignified and beautiful dance Flower dance

Описание к видео 【おわら風の盆】凛として美しい踊り【天満町】2024.9.1 花踊り🌺[Owara Kaze no Bon] Dignified and beautiful dance Flower dance

2024.9.1 午後3時過ぎ、天満宮の鳥居を背に町流しが始まり、2023年の天満町おわらの幕開けです。

Etchu Yao Owara Kaze Obon Festival held from September 1st to 3rd
2024.9.1 After 3:00 p.m., with the torii gate of Tenmangu Shrine in the background, the town parade begins, marking the beginning of 2023 Tenmacho Owara.
Be intoxicated by the elegance of the women's and men's dances, accompanied by local songs, shamisen, taiko drums, and the sound of kokyu.



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