EESN | MACA/Geo@MIT : A Plan to De-Carbonize the MIT Campus by 2035

Описание к видео EESN | MACA/Geo@MIT : A Plan to De-Carbonize the MIT Campus by 2035

In this live webcast from December 3, 2024, the MACA MIT Campus Team presents a panel introducing its latest project, a decarbonization plan for the MIT campus.  The plan was developed by Geo@MIT students and researchers in collaboration with MACA alums with expertise in geothermal heating systems, innovation and finance. Susan Murcott SM '90, SM '92, an MIT D-Lab Lecturer, leads the MACA Campus Team and moderates this presentation.

Ninety-seven percent of MIT’s greenhouse gas emissions are currently associated with heating and cooling  campus buildings.  Students of the Geo@MIT team have entered proposals for geo-thermal replacement systems to US Department of Energy collegiate competitions and have won prizes.  The MACA alumni are part of the team which is stepping up to help MIT decarbonize with a more comprehensive technical and business plan that could achieve a more zero carbon heating and cooling system than MIT is currently considering. This plan converts the existing district energy system to a fully electric thermal energy network, which could be completed by 2035, with less disruption and a cost $500,000,000 less than a pathway being recommended by MIT decarbonization consultants.  The teams business plan can be found here:

Ms. Murcott overviews the MACA Campus Team work over the last three years.  Other aspects of the current project are provided by Rick Clemenzi '84, a geothermal heat designer, John Dabels, SM '89, and Megan Lim '24, who discuss challenges and stakeholders.


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