Lesson 5: |A Different Kind of Messiah | Thursday's Marathon Lesson karon. LOD

Описание к видео Lesson 5: |A Different Kind of Messiah | Thursday's Marathon Lesson karon. LOD

Happy Partly Cloudy Thursday's hearers and Lessoner

LODsystem here:



📖 Communion with God 📖

🌱 I Will Gospel 🌱 

✍️ Heptalogy Edition ✍️


🏠 Devotional- Jul 27 - Aug 02. Stewardship Devotional | The Great Controversy (ARP) |

In Heavenly Places | Inverse | Cornerstone Connection, Sabbath School Lesson


Thursdays-L5-Q3-2024 | STEWARD | GC (ARP) | HP | SSL



Input / legend complete 


✍️1st Part: STWD | 30 Weeks onwards 🙏


🎧SABBATH 30—JULY 27, 2024

The Voice of Prophecy- half emphasize the end


✍️2nd part: 

The Great Controversy

🎧Verse Pages  607. 1- 608.2

Chapter 38—The Final Warning

 (summary pages 603.1-612.2) note 7/30/24


✍️3rd part:

“In Heavenly Places”— HP

🎧We Are God's Property, August 1



✍️4th Part: Inverse

3rd Quarter: Stories That Transform

Lesson 5: Persistent in Prayer

Jul 27 - Aug 02

🎧Thursday, August 01

Our Father



✍️5th part:

Cornerstone Connection

3rd Quarter: "Back to the Future"

Lesson 5: Obedience is a Good Word!

Jul 27 - Aug 02

🎧Thursday Read Proverbs 3:5, 6.


✍️6th & last part:

Bible Study on the Lesson |

3rd  Quarter: The Book of Mark 

Lesson 5: Miracles Around the Lake

Jul 27 - Aug 02

🎧Thursday, August 01

A Different Kind of Messiah



Lesson 5: Miracles Around the Lake |A Different Kind of Messiah | Thursday's Marathon Lesson karon. LOD



PreachTheWord: ??? min. 

Files Size:......... ..??? mb

File Type: mp4 SD

🙏 To God be the Glory!🙏



Home: https://spiritstar2022.blogspot.com/

Sabbath School: https://sabbath-school.adventech.io/en

GC: https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/132...

HP: https://whiteestate.org/devotional/hp...

Stewardship: https://www.mediafire.com/file/tqzw4u...

Stewardship original: https://stewardship.adventist.org/eng...



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