Open NC File Software - Using CMIP6 Miroc6 and GFDL-ESM4 models

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Open #NC_File Software - Using #CMIP6 #Miroc6 and #GFDL-ESM4 models
A software package called "Open NC File Software" to extract time series from CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) and the MIROC6 and GFDL-ESM4 climate models. However, it can work with any NetCD dataset.
The GFDL-ESM4 model is one of the climate models that is part of the CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) effort. CMIP6 is an international collaborative project in which climate modeling centers from around the world develop and run climate models to simulate past, present, and future climate conditions. These models are used to study various aspects of climate, including temperature, precipitation, sea level rise, and more.

GFDL-ESM4 is developed by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the United States. It is one of the models used in CMIP6 to project future climate scenarios and understand how different factors, such as greenhouse gas emissions and land use changes, may influence the Earth's climate system.

The "GFDL" in GFDL-ESM4 stands for the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, which is renowned for its contributions to climate modeling and research. The "ESM" stands for Earth System Model, indicating that GFDL-ESM4 is a comprehensive climate model that simulates various components of the Earth's climate system, including the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and more.

GFDL-ESM4, like other CMIP6 models, provides valuable data and simulations that are used by climate scientists and researchers to better understand climate processes, make climate projections, and inform policy decisions related to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Researchers use the output from these models to assess the potential impacts of climate change on various regions and sectors and to develop strategies for addressing climate-related challenges.

MIROC6, also known as the Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate version 6, is a climate model used in the CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6). CMIP6 is a global effort that brings together climate scientists and modeling groups to simulate and project future climate scenarios. MIROC6 is one of the contributing climate models in this project.

Modeling Center: MIROC6 is developed by the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI), the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). It is a product of collaboration between multiple institutions in Japan.


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