Bükk-region Geopark (EN)

Описание к видео Bükk-region Geopark (EN)

The Bükk Mountains are found in the North Hungarian Mts, which are the southernmost part of the
Northwestern Carpathians. In the north and west, the Bükk Mts are surrounded by rugged hills. In
the east and south, the topography gradually lowers towards the Sajó river valley and towards the
Great Hungarian Plains. The Bükk region includes not only the mountains but the surrounding hilly
areas and piedmonts as well. The planned geopark would cover roughly the whole Bükk region,
therefore a much wider area than the present national park. The Bükk region is highly diverse from
geological, geomorphological, landscape and cultural viewpoints. Altogether, 110 settlements and
2817 km2 would become part of the geopark.


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