Closing Crawl 068 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 Es 5 & 6: Gone with a Trace and Deal No Deal

Описание к видео Closing Crawl 068 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 Es 5 & 6: Gone with a Trace and Deal No Deal

Ahsoka’s been riding around Coruscant on a speeder bike looking emo: I guess being a Skywalker is a state of mind. Her bike malfunctions and plummets into a bottomless pit, crashing onto a platform several hundred levels down. She meets the owner: Trace.

Trace offers her a place to fix her bike, as well as a job Ahsoka demonstrates technical aptitude. Trace is trying to be a capitalist, but really she just wants a friend and also Ahsoka doesn’t really get money. They start to connect and Trace drops some truth bombs that the Jedi are perceived as: starting wars, telling people what to do, and ignoring the problems of everyone who isn’t a Jedi or senator.

Some goons show up to collect on a debt from Rafa, Trace’s sister. Trace immediately starts throwing hands. It’s actually a pretty good dust up, until Ahsoka to get involved drops the hammer. They leave to find Trace’s sister Rafa who is stealing from dryers at the local laundromat. Ahsoka and Rafa instantly dislike each other. Apparently it’s Rafa’s legitimate laundromat, which makes her theft both more and less pathetic. Then a dude shows up with a sketchy job of assembling some droids.

Ahsoka and Trace are building some Vulture Mk III mechs. Ahsoka reminds Trace about restraining bolts which is handy because one of the droids immediately attacks her., and another pulls a runner. They chase down Mighty Joe Droid and Ahsoka continues to let Trace risk her life because she’s committed to remaining undercover. They capture the droid with minimal Jedi powers.

Ahsoka tries to convince Rafa these droids are too dangerous to sell. Rafa says she’ll do the right thing, which turns out to be charging double. Ahsoka realizes that the Jedi never prepared her for dealing with moral gray areas.

Later, Trace and Ahsoka are doing repairs and talking about where Ahsoka learned so much about starships. She tells Trace she learned it at Skywalker Academy. Trace tells Ahsoka she couldn't afford to go to an academy, but she scrimped and saved and built her own ship: The Silver Angel!

Ahsoka feels directionless and asks to stick around for a bit. Rafa’s got a job to make them a bunch of money, and begrudgingly allows Ahsoka to join the crew, but won’t tell them what the job is until they’re underway.

Trace pilots the ship into a military traffic lane. Admiral Yalarin, on the Star Destroyer in their path hails the Silver Angel. Ahsoka hangs up on him and instructs Trace to pilot them into the civilian lanes. Anakin, who is on the same bridge as Yalarin, senses Ahsoka with the force, but ultimately lets the ship pass just like he would do later for Luke.

The Silver Angel emerges from hyperspace above Kessell! They land and are invited to a banquet, where it’s revealed the Rafa's job is to haul Spice for the Pykes. They load the spice and head to Oba Diah to deliver. Onboard, all three fight about what to do. Ahsoka wants to deliver to anyone except the Pykes so it can be used for medicine. Rafa wants to deliver to their intended recipients. Trace, torn between doing what is right versus what her sister wants, dumps the spice into space, uh-oh. Rafa said they must now give up the ship to hopefully save their lives, Trace strongly disagrees, but Ahsoka has a plan!

Ahsoka Jedi mind-tricks the Pyke leader, and he gives them their credits and lets them go. However, a subordinate inspects the cargo, notices it is empty, and calls in reinforcements. With their ship stuck in a tractor beam and surrounded by enemies, things don’t look good for the trio.

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